Sunday 4 September 2011

Trying to reach... Fitbuggers... (Robot voice)

That's right Fitbuggers. I am trying to reach you.
Just to keep your mind focused on the important
stuff in this fitness game that we all love!

So, let's go back to fitness school for a brief lesson....

Oh... there's also some extra FREE goodies to download

- Charts
- Picto-grams/ Info charts
- A FREE 3 month workout plan
(Bodyweight and weight assisted)

- And various other useful things to refer to
for motivation purposes

Back to fitness school basics

How to easily calculate (estimate) your caloric intake:

* Your maintenance caloric level is 14/16 kcals per lb of body weight

* Your fat loss caloric deficit is 11/13 kcals per lb of body weight

* Your size gain caloric surplus is anything over maintenance

Keep your focus on getting the majority
of your calories from protein sources and
whole foods to establish a good base of
vitamins and minerals in your diet.

How to easily calculate (estimate) your macro-nutrient intake:

* Protein: 1g - 2g of protein per pound of bodyweight.

* Fat: 0.35g - 0.45g of fat per pound of bodyweight.

* Remember that protein has 4 kcals per 1g, fat has 9 kcals per 1g and carbohydrates

have 4 kcals per 1g. Now, just fill in the rest of your caloric intake with whatever you want (poptarts, pizza, waffles).

Here are some other important points:

1. Cardio does not fix a bad diet.
2. The key to fat loss is caloric deficit.
3. The key to size increase is caloric surplus.
4. If fat loss is the goal, then there is no need to be in the gym more than three days in a week.
5. If size gain is the goal, follow a program for strength and/or hypertrophy.
6. Optimal fat loss is obtained through weight training, not cardio. Weight training builds muscle and promotes fat loss. Cardio promotes fat AND muscle loss.
7. It does not matter when you eat or when you workout.
8. The majority of your intake should come from whole foods for the purpose of getting micronutrients (vitamins/minerals) in your diet as well as macronutrients (protein/fat/carbs).
9. There is no perfect answer. No magic pill. No cure-all routine. The only common denominators are hard work, dedication and your motivation.
10. Diet > Lifting Heavy > Cardio

Cheat day tips:

1. Eat a big breakfast before going to the store on a Cheat

2. Throw out any cheat food leftovers before you go to bed
after a Cheat Day

Do those and you'll maximize the
effectiveness of your Cheat
Days without over-spending and
without having your Cheat
Day spill over to your diet week.

Again, this is just the basic and normal
things that you need to keep at the
forefront of your mind throughout
your life in fitness. I'll probably follow up
on this with some new cutting edge info
at some point. But for now, here are those
FREE goodies again.

Download them <=== HERE

To all our fitness successes


1 comment:

  1. Hi, I came across your site and wasn’t able to get an email address to contact you. Would you please consider adding a link to my website on your page. Please email me back.


    Hailey William
